Vol. 125 (2012): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society
Ornamental, Garden & Landscape

Florida’s Green Industries Best Management Practices Education Program

Laurie E Trenholm
Environmental Horticulture Department, PO Box 110675, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611
Donald P Rainey
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program/Florida Green Industries Best Management Practices Program, PO Box 110675, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611

Published 2012-12-01


  • fertilization,
  • nitrogen,
  • turfgrass


The Green Industries Best Management Practices (GIBMP) Educational Program was developed for commercial lawn care providers in Florida in 2002. The training covers plant selection, fertilization, irrigation, and pesticide practices as well as regulations covering the industry. Class attendees who received a score of 75% or better on the post test are awarded a “Certificate of Completion” in the BMPs. For the period from 2003 through June 2010, 6700 workers were certified in the BMPs. Pre and post test scores indicated that average knowledge increase from the training ranged from 15.9% to 23.7%. Follow up surveys indicated that attendees made some practice changes, including increased use of slow release nitrogen (N), leaving untreated buffer zones around water bodies, and increased soil testing. It is difficult at this time to assess if this program has caused a reduction in nitrate or phosphorus levels in ground or surface waters resulting from lawn and landscape fertilization.