Vol. 125 (2012): Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society

Combating Melon Thrips, Thrips palmiKarny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in South Florida

Dakshina R Seal
University of Florida, IFAS, Tropical Research and Education Center, 18905 SW 280 Street, Homestead, FL 33031
Catherine M Sabines
University of Florida, IFAS, Tropical Research and Education Center, 18905 SW 280 Street, Homestead, FL 33031

Published 2012-12-01


  • melon thrips,
  • control,
  • insecticides,
  • neonicotinoids,
  • anthranilic diamide


Melon thrips, Thrips palmiKarny, is an economic pest of various vegetable crops in Florida. In a survey study, vegetable growers rated the importance of this pest as high on squash (Cucurbita pepo), bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.), eggplant (Solanum melongena) and pepper (Capsicum annuumL.). Spinetoram, methomyl–azinphosmethyl, and abamectin provided a reduced level of control to melon thrips in 2012 when compared with a study conducted in 2008. A premix insecticide, Voliam Xpress, consisting of lambda cyhalothrin and chlorantraniliprol, significantly reduced melon thrips on bean when compared with the nontreated control and other insecticide treatments. Cyazypyr at 13.5 and 20.5 oz/acre provided significant reduction of melon thrips followed by a rotation program of spinetoram–dinotefuran.