Vol. 132 (2019)
Krome Memorial Institute (Tropicals)

Salinity Tolerance of Five Mango Ecotypes (Manginfera indica L.) in Santa Marta, Colombia

Published 2023-03-28


The Department of Magdalena, Colombia, is an important area for the mango industry. Mango production has been increasing for commercial purposes, and new challenges have appeared including nutritional problems and saline soils. Some species can tolerate high concentrations of salt in the environment before being affected in a negative way, but for mango, this not the case as it is very sensitive to salinity. This work evaluates the effect of salinity on the growth and development of mango trees selected for salt tolerance. Five selections of ‘Hilacha’ were evaluated every two days for 3 months under nursery conditions using water treatments with different salt concentrations. The study was conducted at the Center of Universidad del Magdalena.