Goddard, J. 2013. Public Health Entomology


  • P. J. Obenauer Navy Entomology Center of Excellence, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, FL 32212-0043, USA


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Goddard, J. 2013. Public Health Entomology. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. XIX + 210 pp. ISBN 978-1-4398-4881-4, US$89.00 (hardback), US$80.00 (eBook). Amazon

Few textbooks exist detailing the aspects of public health entomology, especially ones addressing the recent public health threats in the United States. Surveys in the U.S. assessing the public’s response to vector-borne diseases clearly demonstrate a growing concern for their control and knowledge, especially those transmitted by ticks and mosquitoes (Hill et al. 2009). Dr. Jerome Goddard, the author of Public Health Entomology, provides readers with a comprehensive 210-page textbook detailing aspects of modern-day public health entomology. An associate extension professor of medical and veterinary entomology at Mississippi State University, Dr. Goddard is an accomplished author who has written over 175 scientific papers, 8 book chapters, 4 college-level reference or textbooks and 6 fiction novels.


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