Species of Thrips (Thysanoptera) in Avocado Orchards in Nayarit, México


  • Jhonathan Cambero-Campos
  • Roberto Johansen-Naime
  • Oswaldo Garcia-Martinez
  • Ernesto Cerna-Chávez
  • Agustin Robles-Bermudez
  • Axel Retana-Salazar


This study was conducted in 3 different counties (Tepic, Xalisco and San Blas) of the avocado growing area of Nayarit. For identification of species, thrips collections were conducted during 2008 using knockdown and net sweeping techniques. A total of 72 species were captured, 10 of which were phytophagous of which the most prevalent was Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) (13.42%); 16 were predaceous of which the most prevalent was Franklinothrips vespiformis (D. L. Crawford) (8.26%) and 46 species (26.83%) were considered occasional visitors. Species registered for the first time in Mexico were as follows: Heterothrips xolismae Hood 1936; H. pubescens Hood 1934; Frankliniella ramirezi Mound & Marullo 1996; F. sandovalensis Retana 1998 and Macrophthalmothrips heinzei Mound 1972.

El estudio se llevó a cabo en tres diferentes municipios (Tepic, Xalisco and San Blas) de la región productora de aguacate de Nayarit. Para la identificación de especies de thrips, se hicieron recolectas durante 2008 utilizando al derribo y redeo como técnicas de muestreo. Se capturaron un total de 72 especies, de las cuales 10 fueron fitófagas, siendo la más abundante Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) (13.42%); 16 fueron depredadoras siendo Franklinothrips vespiformis (D. L. Crawford) (8.26%) la más abundante y 46 especies (26.83%) fueron consideradas visitadoras incidentales. Se dan a conocer los primeros registros para México de las siguientes especies: Heterothrips xolismae Hood 1936; H. pubescens Hood 1934; Frankliniella ramirezi Mound & Marullo 1996; F. sandovalensis Retana 1998 and Macrophthalmothrips heinzei Mound 1972.

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