Gryllus Ovisopis N. Sp.: A Taciturn Cricket with a Life Cycle Suggesting Allochronic Speciation


  • Thomas J. Walker


G. ovisopis, common in north Florida woods, is the first Gryllus known to lack a calling song. Its courtship song is similar to that of other Gryllus, but its aggressive song is dominated by frequencies of 12-16 kHz rather than 4-5 kHz. Indoor and outdoor rearing experiments and periodic collecting showed ovisopis to be strictly univoltine with all individuals becoming adult in September and early October. Similar studies indicated that G. fultoni (Alexander), a close relative, has both univoltine and bivoltine cycles; and even within one week's progeny of a single female, individuals may become adult over a period of seven months. Attempts to hybridize ovisopis and fultoni failed. Seasonal rather than geographical isolation may have initiated speciation in the ancestral population that became ovisopis and fultoni.






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