Where Are All the Introverts Hiding? An Analysis of Introversion in Research
stereotyping, extraversion, introversion, personality researchAbstract
Since their origin, extraversion and
introversion have become staples in both research
terminology and colloquial language. In 2012, Susan Cain
released a New York Times Best-Seller, Quiet: The Power
of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, which
discussed the role of introverts in a society that values
extraversion. This paper analyzes the Five-Factor Model
as well as case studies of various articles displaying bias
against introversion. These articles are used to discuss
how the bias against introversion has become part of
psychological research and the need to reverse trends
of stereotyping and misinformation. Other articles are
also discussed, which present a more well-rounded
presentation of introversion and extraversion.