Effect of Anovulation and Subclinical Endometritis on Fertility of Lactating Dairy Cows: Why Are Dairy Cows Not Getting Pregnant—Lack of Cyclicity, Uterine Disease, or Both?
Feeding dairy cows at the University of Florida's Dairy Research Unit in Hague, Florida.
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How to Cite

Galvão, Klibs N., and Achilles Vieira-Neto. 2014. “Effect of Anovulation and Subclinical Endometritis on Fertility of Lactating Dairy Cows: Why Are Dairy Cows Not Getting Pregnant—Lack of Cyclicity, Uterine Disease, or Both? VM222/VM222, 5/2014”. EDIS 2014 (8). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-vm222-2014.


Virtually all Holstein dairy cows have the first wave of follicle growth starting two weeks postpartum, with about 30% of these cows ovulating within 21 days in milk. This 3-page fact sheet presents the results of a recent paper that evaluated the individual and combined effects of anovulation and subclinical endometritis on reproductive performance of dairy cows. Written by Klibs N. Galvão and Achilles Vieira-Neto, and published by the UF Department of Veterinary Medicine-Large Animal Clinical Sciences, May 2014.

VM222/VM222: Effect of Anovulation and Subclinical Endometritis on Fertility of Lactating Dairy Cows: Why Are Dairy Cows Not Getting Pregnant—Lack of Cyclicity, Uterine Disease, or Both? (ufl.edu)

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