Enterprise budgets help farmers and ranchers estimate expenses, potential revenue, and profit. UF/IFAS provides enterprise budgets for a variety of Florida-grown commodities. These are typically built collaboratively by economists, horticulturists and agronomists, ranchers, and growers. This publication highlights key aspects of the enterprise budget as a planning tool for farm businesses. Includes links to UF/IFAS enterprise budgets and related documents specific to several Florida commodities.
Crawford, E. W. 1999. "Notes On An Analytical Framework For Enterprise Budgets In Financial And Economic Analysis." Staff Paper Series 11672, Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics. Accessed January 2021 from https://ideas.repec.org/p/ags/midasp/11672.html
Smith, J., D. McCorkle, and J. Outlaw. 2000. “Making Decisions with Enterprise Budgets.” Accessed January 2021 from https://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/handle/1969.1/86964
Van Tassell, L., J. Parsons, and G. McClure. 2020. "Farm and Ranch Enterprise Budgets: Return to What?" Cornhusker Economics. 1060. Accessed January 2021 from https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/agecon_cornhusker/1060