Estimating Copper, Manganese and Zinc Micronutrients in Fungicide Applications
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How to Cite

Poh, Bee Ling, Amanda Gevens, Eric Simonne, and Crystal Snodgrass. 2009. “Estimating Copper, Manganese and Zinc Micronutrients in Fungicide Applications: HS1159/HS1159, 8/2009”. EDIS 2009 (7). Gainesville, FL.


HS1159, an 8-page fact sheet by Bee Ling Poh, Amanda Gevens, Eric Simonne, and Crystal Snodgrass, uses tomato as an example to list common sources of micronutrients in common fungicides, estimates micronutrient applications for an entire crop, and discusses the availability of these micronutrients so that the contributions of these sources of micronutrients can be factored into the fertilizer programs for vegetable crops. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, August 2009.


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Shu, Z. H., T. F. Sheen, S. L. Lin and K. C. Lee. 1992. Effects of Microelement-containing Pesticides on Nutrient Concentration of Mango Leaves. Acta Horticulturae 321:553-560.

Simonne, E. H. and G. J. Hochmuth. 2009. Soil and Fertilizer Management for Vegetable Production in Florida, pp.3-16. In: S.M. Olson and E. Simonne (Eds.) Vegetable Production Handbook for Florida, Vance Publishing, Lenexa, KS.

Sonmez, S., M. Kaplan, N.K. Sonmez, H. Kay and I. Uz. 2007. Effect of Soil Copper and Foliar Copper Applications on Micronutrient Contents of Tomato Plants. Asian Journal of Chemistry 19(5):3929-3940.
