This is part of the Education + Action = Wind Damage Mitigation series by Kathleen C. Ruppert, Hal S. Knowles, and Karla A. Lenfesty that is now available in Spanish and Haitian Creole
Federal Emergency Management Agency | Prevansyon Pou Dezast and Bibliotèk Pou Preparasyon www.fema.gov/library/prepandprev.shtm
Divizyon Laflorid pou Manajman de Sekou | Paj Enfòmasyon www.floridadisaster.org/DEMinformation.htm
Texas Tech University | Sant Pou Syans Van ak Rechèch Konstriksyon www.wind.ttu.edu
Inivèsité Laflorid | Liv Sou Fezast http://disaster.ifas.ufl.edu/