

  • Brian Dolber Assistant Professor of Mass Communication at SUNY College at Oneonta


This collection of essays originated from a pre-conference at the 2009 National Communication Association (NCA) meeting in Chicago, "The 'New' New Economy: Media and the Economic Crisis," which Mark Hayward and I co-chaired. The financial collapse of Fall 2008 had laid to bare what critical scholars of communications are always cognizant of-- that capitalism, and particularly neoliberal capitalism, is an unsustainable system. No longer a fringe area of inquiry, understanding the relatio-ships between media and economies is now becoming central to making sense of, and hopefully addressing, problems in our social and cultural environment.



Author Biography

Brian Dolber, Assistant Professor of Mass Communication at SUNY College at Oneonta

 Brian Dolber( is Assistant Professor of Mass Communication at SUNY College at Oneonta. He completed his Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His dissertation, "Sweating for Democracy: Working Class Me-dia and the Struggle for Hegemonic Jewishness, 1919-1941," examines the transformations of media and cultural production within the U.S. Jewish labor movement‟s institutions during the interwar years. Brian‟s teaching and research interests include the political economy and history of the media, media and contemporary political culture, U.S. working class history, and media activism.








Laboring the Academy: New Directions for Communications Studies in the Economic Crisis