Integrating Modern Biology Into the ChE Biomolecular Engineering Concentration Through a Campuswide Core Laboratory Education Program
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Susan Carson is the academic coordinator forthe North Carolina State University Biotechnology Program, and is a teaching assistant professor in the Department of Plant Biology. She received her B.S. in biotechnology from Rutgers University and her Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, as well as curriculum development.
John R. Chisnell is the assistant director of the North Carolina State University Biotechnology Program. He received his B.A. in biology from the College of Wooster and his Ph.D. in botany from Michigan State University.
Robert M. Kelly (left) is Alcoa Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University and director of the Biotechnology Program. He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Virginia and Ph.D. from N.C. State, all in chemical engineering.
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