卷 26 (2008)

Painted Paradoxes: The Trompe-L’Oeil Fly in the Renaissance, Kandice Rawlings

Death and Devotion in Renaissance Venice: Giorgione’s Boy with an Arrow and the Cult of Saint Sebastian, Rebekah Perry

Touch of Evil: Disease and the Diabolical in Grünewald’s Temptation of St. Anthony, Jerry Marino

The Conquest of Etruria in Francesco Salviati’s Triumph of Camillus, Caroline Hillard

Unraveling the Deception: Trompe l’Oeil as Guide to Charles Bird King’s Picture Gallery, 1824-1861, Rowena Houghton Dasch

Grabbing Modernity by the Horns: Mary Cassatt’s Offering the Panal to the Bullfighter, Mary Dailey Pattee

Reconciling the Civil War in Winslow Homer’s Undertow, Clara Barnhart

Excavating the Subjective in Gustaf Nordenskiöld’s The Cliff Swellers in the Mesa Verde, Bryna R. Campbell

The Country Cousin: Advocating an Arcadian America, Keri Fredericks

Hardcastle (1962): Memory, Catastrophe, Minimalism, Michael Alvar de Baca

The Diagram Dematerialized, from Marcel Duchamp to John Cage to George Brecht, Natilee Harren

Hans Haacke’s Zero Hour, Rachael Churner

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