Vol. 11 (1992)
Issue Description

The Illustrated Visio Baronti: A Carolingian Manuscript from Reims, Janie Ruth Curry

Unfinished Romanesque Sculpture, William Travis

An Exemplary Life: Spinello Aretino’s Cycle of St. Benedict in Context, Read Montgomery Diket

Birgittine Devotion and the Campinesque Virgin in the Apse, Catherine Morris Westcott

The Fashionably Dressed Sailor: Another Look at the Black Figure in John Singleton Copley’s Watson and the Shark, Margaret Rose Vendryes

Marketing of Genius – Ingenious Marketing: The Role of Engravings in Mid-Nineteenth Century English Art Dealing, Thomas M. Bayer

Rosa Bonheur’s Dialogues with Culture, Betty Lou Williams

Afrocubans and National Identity: Modern Cuban Art, 1920s-1940s, Juan A. Martínez

Venturi’s Guildhouse Facade: An Architectural Conceit in the Ironic Style of T.S. Eliot, Jeffery Blackwell

Robert Morris’s Ambiguous Containers, Stephen Petersen

Naum Gabo’s Tête Construite: A Dynamic Form in a Continual State of Becoming, Charlene Mattingly

Full Issue