The Proclamation of the New Covenant: The Pre-Iconoclastic Altar Ciboria in Rome and Constantinople, Jelena Bogdanović
Representations of Others in Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Ljubomir Milanović
A Ladder of Camaldolite Salvation: the Façade of San Michele in Isola, Daniel Savoy
Gardens and Grottoes in Later Works by Mantegna, Carola Naumer
The Versailles Opéra, Nancy R. Rivers
Moreau le Jeune and the Monument du Costume, Bernadine Heller-Greenman
The 1857-58 American Exhibition of British Art: Critical Reactions in the Cultural Context of New York, Jennifer Rinalducci
Amelia Pelaez and the Insertion of the Female Sphere: The Cuban Vanguardia Reconsidered, María C. Gaztambide
The 1914 Werkbund Debate Resolved: The Design and Manufacture of Frank O. Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Irene Nero
Bakongo Afterlife and the Cosmological Direction: Translation of African Culture into North Florida Cemeteries, Kara Morrow