Super Romantic
Examining Gender Differences in Expression of Romantic Ideals and Challenges in Marvel Superhero Movies
Marvel movies, superhero movies, gender differences, romantic ideals, challengesAbstract
Marvel superhero movies have a wide audience. Many of these movies contain romance, and therefore it may be valuable to analyze the content of this romance, given its success and influence. This led to the question: Are there differences in expression of romantic ideals and challenges between men and women in Marvel superhero movies? This study addressed this question by performing a content analysis of 23 Marvel superhero movies from Iron Man to Spider-Man: Far From Home. Gender differences were assessed on the frequency of romantic ideals expressed and on the frequency of challenges expressed. Statistical analysis showed there was a significant difference in frequency of romantic ideal expression between men and women. There was no significant difference in frequency of challenges between men and women. There is not a current body of literature that examines gender differences in expression of romantic ideals and challenges between men and women in Marvel superhero movies, and therefore this study can contribute to the current body of work. Implications of the current analysis and suggestions for future investigation are discussed.
Copyright (c) 2021 Kara Michelle Parham
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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