Extracellular Vesicles Support the Survival of Serum-dependent cells in vitro


  • Christy Mikhael University of Florida College of Dentistry
  • Shannon Holliday University of Florida College of Dentistry
  • Guanghong Han College and Hospital of Somatology, Jilin University




Extracellular vesicle, FBS, serum


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are 30-150 nm in diameter and are released by cells into the extracellular environment. They facilitate intercellular communication and may be involved in cell survival. Although serum-dependent cells are not obviously affected by depletion of EVs from the serum, we previously reported that cells in serum that contain EVs were more resistant to the drugs, enoxacin and bis-enoxacin, compared to cells in serum without EVs. This change in resistance led us to examine whether EVs are sufficient to maintain serum dependent cells in vitro. Here, we tested the effect of EVs on the survival RAW 264.7 cells and on 4T1 murine breast cancer cells. EVs were isolated by differential centrifugation. EVs were counted over various time periods. Cells were grown in alpha or Dulbecco’s minimal essential media supplemented with FBS, EVs from various sources, or with no supplements. Cell growth was determined by cell counts. In media without supplementation, the RAW 264.7 cells and 4T1 cells died by three days. Media supplemented with EVs from FBS allowed the cells to survive in the absence of FBS for one week or more.  Being able to perform experiments on cells supported by EVs will simplify the interpretation of experiments. Efforts are underway to determine their mechanism by which EVs support cell survival.

Author Biographies

Christy Mikhael, University of Florida College of Dentistry

Undergraduate researcher

Shannon Holliday, University of Florida College of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics

Guanghong Han, College and Hospital of Somatology, Jilin University

Department of Somatology


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