Prevalence of intestinal parasites and related risk factors in rural localities from Pampa del Indio, Chaco, Argentina
intestinal parasites, protozoa, helminth, ArgentinaAbstract
Intestinal parasites are a significant cause of morbidity in endemic areas in many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Infections with intestinal parasites have been reported in multiple locations throughout Argentina, but infection prevalence is still unknown in many areas. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in rural areas surrounding Pampa del Indio, Chaco, Argentina, and to identify risk factors for human infections. In the current study, a survey of three rural neighborhoods surrounding the town of Pampa del Indio was conducted in July 2018. A total of 24 households were surveyed. A questionnaire to assess socio-economic and household variables was administered and fecal samples were collected. Of the 62 stool samples analyzed, an intestinal parasite prevalence of 46.8% (29 cases) was found. The most common parasite identified was Endolimax nana (22.6%), followed by Giardia lamblia (17.7%), and Entamoeba coli (16.1%). Most of the intestinal parasites found were protozoa, but three cases of helminths (4.8%) were also identified. Participants were polyparasitized at a rate of 19.4%.
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