The Art-Science Project: Researching the Cross Section between the Visual Arts and Biological Sciences


  • Brett Jeffrey Taylor University of Florida



Undergraduate research, scientific illustration, art science, visual art, biological science


The created portfolio explores the area of academic art and how it can be translated into the fields of fine art and biological science. The sculptural specimens were created to further understand how art is used in scientific exploration today compared to that of antiquity.During the period of enlightenment, science and art were codependent. Studio art was employed as a form of research and communication. In light of this, the thirty-five spider models were created in the Entomology and Nematology Lab at the University of Florida. The works of art encompass a diverse range of species, scales, and functions.  The works were designed to serve three purposes: life size models were printed and painted to serve as decoys for reproductive research; medium scale models were distributed to international geocaches to gage public opinion on arachnids; and large scale models were utilized as educational tools. The range of models serves different functions but they all answer to principles of art. Thus defining the interdisciplinary nature of art as it relates to scientific study. 


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