CBPR Pilot Intervention: Understanding Social Health Determinants of Mental Health in Rural Latinos
Community-based participatory research, rural Latinos, psychosocial determinants, mental healthAbstract
The purpose of this study is to identify challenges and facilitators for interventions on determinants of mental health in the literature and to analyze themes and coping strategies of psychosocial health determinants described by rural Latinos in a church-based intervention. This study was a review of literature and secondary data analysis of an arm of a larger Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) on the mental well-being of rural Latinos in North Florida - a CBPR pilot intervention. It was developed to respond to and prevent social stressors by creating a space where rural Latinos can help one another by sharing their experiences; empowering people to address health determinants that affect their well-being. All data from the pilot intervention was thematically analyzed using NVivo11. Psychosocial determinants of mental health identified in the CBPR intervention were: social environment factors (discrimination, family conflict, social isolation, undocumented status) and health services (uninsured & poor health literacy). Positive coping strategies described by rural Latinos were: avoiding conflictive relationships, alternative medicine, exercise, family & peer support, health education, community social support, instillation of hope, learn English, spirituality and religiosity. Negative coping strategies described were: categorical thinking, isolation, substance abuse.
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